Women and
Mathematics: Algebraic Coding Theory and Cryptography
The talks will be n the room S-211 of Institute of Applied Mathematics at METU. The programme starts at 10 am. You may
find the program of the event in here .
The abstracts of the talks are:
Buket Ozkaya's Abstract:
"Opening Talk" An historical introduction to coding theory and cryptography will provide an overview of the mathematical theory of communication. Pioneering scientists will be presented and important open problems will be mentioned.
Frederique Oggier's Abstract:
" On the Generalized Rank Weights of Linear Codes"
We introduce the notion of generalized rank weights of linear codes, present existing known results, in particular regarding cyclic and quasicyclic codes, and conclude by providing open questions.
Pinar Aydogdu's Abstract:
"On the Automorphism Group of Symmetric Reed-Muller Codes"
The Reed-Muller codes are a family of error-correcting codes that have been widely studied in coding theory. In 2020, Wei Yan and Sian-Jheng Lin introduced a variant of Reed-Muller codes called symmetric Reed-Muller codes. In our study, the linear maps of the automorphism group of symmetric Reed-Muller codes have been examined, and it has been shown that the set of these linear maps forms a subgroup of the general linear group. The general linear group, in turn, is the automorphism group of punctured Reed-Muller codes. (This is a joint work with Sibel Kurt Toplu, Talha Arikan, and Oguz Yayla.)
Burcu Gulmez Temur's Abstract:
"On Some Permutation Polynomials Over Finite Fields"
In this talk, we will discuss permutation polynomials over finite fields. Finding a random permutation polynomial over a finite field is actually easy, but our goal is to find permutation polynomials that are as simple as possible and suitable for applications, which can be quite challenging. Such permutation polynomials have numerous applications in coding theory, cryptography, and similar fields. In our talk, we will first cover the necessary basic definitions and theorems, and then we will present the results we have obtained so far in collaboration with various mathematicians on this topic.