Women and Mathematics: Algebraic Coding Theory and CryptographyAs the Association for Turkish Women in Mathematics , we organize a one-day event to bring together female mathematicians in our country and abroad who work on a specified topic, every year which includes the March 8, Women's Day. The first Women and Mathematics event with the theme algebra was on March 11, 2017, second one with the theme differential geometry was on March 10, 2018, third one with the theme applied mathematics was on March 09, 2019 and fourth one with the theme number theory was on March 07, 2020 all hosted by Istanbul Center for Mathematical Sciences . The fifth Women and Mathematics event was about geometric topology and it was on March 11, 2023, hosted by Middle East Technical University, Department of Mathematics. Last year, the sixth event was about algebraic and arithmetic geometric topology and the event took place on March 9, 2024, hosted by Galatasaray University, Istanbul. This year, the theme of Women and Mathematics event is Algebraic Coding Theory and Cryptography. The event is on March 08, 2024, hosted by Middle East Technical University, Institute of Applied Mathematics. The talks will be in the room S-211 of Institute of Applied Mathematics at METU. Please fill the application form by March 07, 2025. Contact e-mail : info@tkmd.org
Invited Speakers:
Buket Özkaya (METU) Frederique Oggier (University of Birmingham) Pınar Aydoğdu (Hacettepe University)
Burcu Gülmez Temür (Atılım University) |