use the below latex code to write your abstracts and send your tex file
with subject TKMD Abstract until March 03, 2025.
You may
download the tex file Abstract.tex
or copy from below.
\textwidth 15cm
\oddsidemargin 0cm
\evensidemargin 0.5cm
\parindent 0cm
%Below only speaker's information should be written. If any, the names of coauthors should be mentioned later.
Name Surname
Institution, City, Country\\
Abstract text.
%Only the first letter of the first keyword should be capitalized.
\textbf{Keywords.} Keyword1, keyword2, ....
%If there are coauthors they should be mentioned here.
This is a joint work with ..., ... and ....
\textbf{Ba\c{s}l\i k}
%Below only speaker's information should be written. If any, the names of coauthors should be mentioned later.
\.{I}sim Soyisim
Kurum, \c{S}ehir, Ülke\\
Özet metni.
%Only the first letter of the first keyword should be capitalized.
\textbf{Anahtar Kelimeler.} Anahtar kelime1, anahtar kelime2, ....
%If there are coauthors they should be mentioned here.
..., ... ve .... ile ortak \c{c}al\i \c{s}mad\i r.
%Here you may list the references you have cited. Please do not write any references which is not cited in the abstract text and the number of references shoul not exceed 5.
A.A. Aaaaa, \textsl{Book Title}, Publisher, City/Country Year.
A. Aaaaa, B.B. Bbbbbb, C. Ccccc and D. Ddddd, Article title, \textsl{Journal Title} \textbf{Volume Number} (Year), start page number--end page number.
size of the poster must be
591x841. To prepare a poster in this size you may use the format below:
{ \usetheme{Berlin}}
\usepackage{amsmath,amsthm, amssymb, latexsym}
\begin{block}{Column 2}
\begin{block}{\large Row 2}
... \end{block}
You may find different choices for a poster in this link.